
Oil Soaked Incense Sticks 11"

#incensebundle #oilsoakedbundleincense
#ashcatchers #incenseburners #brassinlayburners
#oilsoakedcones oil soaked 1 inch cones by Zelda'ss
#baggedincense #zeldassoakedincense aprox 100 sticks to a scented bundles
#cardedincense #pegboardincense carded incense 20 sticks in  each bag
#bodyoilrollons #cardedcones #bulkbodyoil
#conesincense  30 cones in a package
incense cones, bagged incense cones
#partyincense #20stickincense #holepunchedbagincense
#brassinlayburners #ashcatchers
bundles of incense that are dipped in scents
#incensebundle #oilsoakedbundleincense
#ashcatchers #incenseburners #brassinlayburners
#oilsoakedcones oil soaked 1 inch cones by Zelda'ss
#baggedincense #zeldassoakedincense aprox 100 sticks to a scented bundles
#cardedincense #pegboardincense carded incense 20 sticks in  each bag
#bodyoilrollons #cardedcones #bulkbodyoil
#conesincense  30 cones in a package
incense cones, bagged incense cones
#partyincense #20stickincense #holepunchedbagincense
#brassinlayburners #ashcatchers
bundles of incense that are dipped in scents

Oil Soaked Incense Sticks 11"

from $3.99

Custom Dipped Incense bundles aprox. 100 sticks a bundle in open end bags. Select Scent Scrolling UP - DOWN Menu >> Click> Add to Cart

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Zelda's Special Soak Method ! Incense changes your atmosphere and sets a mood of relaxation and lets you sink into pure comfort!  Very Spiritual Too ! The smoke from bamboo wood and soaked oil burning incense are Earth Friendly ! Turn these into retail store profit ! Package into a bag with your logo header card or sell as whole bundle ! Also imported Incense burners with brass inlay handmade in India.

JOIN my Facebook Group ! copy/paste link www.facebook.com/groups/969911620052576/?epa=SEARCH_BOX“ZELDASAROMATICS” for “how to” - USE copy and past this link : www.facebook.com/Zeldasaromatics Instagram: www.instagram.com/zeldasaromatics/

Descriptions of notes for Some scents HERE: Goddess of the Universe - Ylang, Honeysuckle, powdery, GOLDIE DREDLOCKS - Orange, Apple, Fern, Apple, Violet, Geranium, Patchouli, Lavender, Vanilla, Sugar.  CROCUS - Berg, lemon, org, lime, iris, rose, fig, sandl, vetiver. 

zeldas1872@aol.com for questions

REVIEWS : Zelda's Egyptian musk can't be beat. Long lasting/smells great! says Stacy

African Musk - florals, green, orange, eucalyptus, light to med smell
Amber White - distinct musky and citrus 
Amarage type - fruits coconut, sandalw, vanilla amber
Apricot Pear - Yin Yang -  light fruity smell 
Apple - wispy fruity smell 
Birch Bergamot (real EO) Enchanted Forest- lgt but therapeutic 
Black Musk - deep spicy -  pear pepper bergamot notes
Cappucinno -  coffee smell light expresso spicy no sugar. 
Cantaloupe Melon - fruity 
Cherry Vanilla - cherry w/vanilla
China Musk - oriental spicy fresh clean
Chocolate - light chocolate candy
Cinnamon -  spicy not overpowering
Cocomango - fruity coconut mixed mango
Coconut -  fruity
Dragons Blood - light amber-like, sweet like cedar, org. pat, powdery rich
Eat it Raw (Orgasm) - all fruits mix
Egyptian Goddess - light vanilla to medium citrsy musk -the most oiliest !
Egyptian Musk - light powdery medium note of spice
Eucalyptus (essential) - light sharp 
Frankincense - very woody spice - expect deep wood spice smell 
Frankincense Myrrh -  woody spice with more sweet  
Freesia - spicy flower very faint smell of strawberries or soft fruit , honey or slight mint
Green Tea - green scent sharp tea 
Goldie Dreadlocks - very soft light fruit floral, fern, apple, vanilla, 
Goddess of the Universe - subtle jasmine, ylang, Honeysuckle
Honey - light and sweet not overpowering  
Honeysuckle - sharp sweet  
Honey Vanilla -  Zen - light sweet
Lemongrass - Real EO spike citrus 
Lilac - spike flower
Magnolia - like lilac but slight woody
Marjoram (Real EO light), but therapeutic 
Misbehavin' - juicy candied apples, pomegranate, ivy, oakmoss 
Nag Champa - fragipani, plum, sandal sharp meditation , moist, forest, tea
Orange Vanilla Creamsicle,  mellow soft 
Passion type - oriental woody + 30 other notes
Patchouli - spicy, woody, musky, light sweet 
Patchouli Orange - woody earthy 
Patchouli/Rose - woody - some sweetness 
Peppermint (real EO)  light to medium smell but therapeutic ! 
Peace - ginger, carnat, orag, vetiver, musk - temple 
Pinon Pine - woody pine
Pleasures type - smell after the rain + 30 notes 
Pumpkin Crunch Cake - yellow cake, buttery 
Rain - spike fresh, LOV, wisteria, hyacinth, musk 
Rose - fresh rose 
Sandalwood - woody bouquet of ceder, rose, jasmine
Sexie, - fruits and subtle spice
Spearmint (real EO), medium smell but therapeutic